
About the Eucharist

The source and summit of our lives is found in the celebration of the Mass through the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is through the Holy Eucharist that we share in Christ’s body, blood, soul and divinity under the appearance of simple bread and wine. Learn more about the Eucharist on the USCCB’s website.

First Eucharist (First Communion)


Children usually receive First Eucharist in 2nd grade or later after some preparation. If you are an adult and have never received the Eucharist, please see here for information on becoming Catholic.

Children First Eucharist

Here at St. Cecilia, children in 2nd grade or later prepare throughout the year for their First Holy Eucharist. First Holy Eucharist is typically celebrated at Mass during the first two weekends in May. If your child is older than 2nd grade, please contact the parish office for further instruction.

At St. Cecilia, we offer a shared approach to the preparation of the child for his/her first Holy Eucharist.  Students receive sacramental preparation through school religion class, traditional Faith Formation classes, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd sessions or home schooling, as well as through guided instruction from their parents. We prepare parents by providing materials and learning center opportunities. We are currently using the Blessed series from Dynamic Catholic for at-home instruction.

Please contact Clare Heinrich for more information about First Communion.

Adult First Eucharist

Please visit the St. Cecilia Pastoral Ministry website for more information about becoming Catholic, or contact Jarrett Wendt.

Eucharistic Adoration

The Eucharist is adored whenever parishioners and visitors worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Host consecrated at Mass. Please visit our adoration page for more information.

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