Purpose and Responsibilites/Activities
The Parish Pastoral Council plans and discusses parish life and activities. The role of the Pastoral Council is to stay true to the parish mission and the goals and objectives related to it. The pastor is actively involved with the Pastoral Council in order to provide guidance, and helps the council reach consensus. The council meets monthly and members are elected to serve a 3-year term. At the end of each year, based on nominations submitted by the Youth Ministry team, two newly confirmed youths are elected to a two-year term.
The Pastoral Council has the following standing committees:
- Liturgy Committee
- Faith Formation Commission
- Stewardship Committee
- Social Justice Committee
- Parish Life Committee
- Finance Council
The purpose and responsibilities of the Parish Pastoral Council and its standing committees are described more completely on other pages of this website, in the Constitution and Bylaws and in official guidance, MANUAL FOR PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILS, provided by the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
Mark Chasey – Chair
Barb Read – Vice Chair
Ian Schneider – Secretary
Aaron Forest
Laura Frantzen
Roy Fredrickson
Steve Joerger
David Nelson
Sam Rothstein
Mike Dolan – Finance Chair
Linda Joerger – School Board Chair
Anne Rothstein – Faith Formation Chair
Liaison to Liturgy – Ian Schneider
Liaison to Finance – Mark Chasey
Liaison to Parish Life – Barb Read
Liaisons to Elections –
Liason to Social Justice –
Please click here to go to the contact page, then select Pastoral Council from the dropdown.
Please click here to view the meeting minutes.