
Circles are overseen by the Parish Life Committee.

St. Anne Circle

A gathering of women of the parish to provide fellowship, to pray the rosary, and to learn more about the Catholic faith. St. Anne Circle hosts speakers and promotes participation in special projects, such as writing Christmas cards.

All women of the parish are welcome.

Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month, September through April, at 9:30 a.m. in the social hall.

Please click here to go to the contact page, then select St. Anne Circle from the dropdown.

St. Gerard Circle

A gathering of women of the parish to nurture faith, family, and friends. St. Gerard Circle supports service projects, such as making ornaments and caroling at nursing homes.

All women of the parish are welcome.

Meetings are held in the evening on the first Thursday of the month, September through May, with the location and time posted in the bulletin.

Please click here to go to the contact page, then select St. Gerard Circle from the dropdown.

St. Mary Circle

A gathering of women of the parish to provide fellowship and service opportunities, and to promote personal growth through educational programs. It supports service projects of local charities.

Any women of the parish are welcome.

Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month, September through May, at 1:30 p.m. in the south social hall.

Please click here to go to the contact page, then select St. Mary Circle from the dropdown.

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Mass & Reconciliation

Thursday, February 13 Weather Updates

9 AM Daily Mass in the Chapel

2 hour late start for St. Cecilia School

Eucharistic Adoration is suspended until Thursday, Feb. 13 at Noon.

Stay safe & warm!