Teams of Our Lady (TOOL)


Teams of Our Lady is a Catholic lay organization recognized by the Holy See. It is a movement of “Married Spirituality” which brings together Christian couples united by the Sacrament of Marriage and who wish, together, to deepen the graces of the Sacrament of Marriage. The movement is active in 75 countries.

Each team consists of five to seven married couples assisted by a spiritual director.  In order to strengthen and encourage their marriage spirituality and relationship, the teams meet monthly to share a meal, to pray and to discuss concerns and successes.

Overseeing Committee

Parish Life Committee


Please click here to go to the contact page, then select Teams of Our Lady from the dropdown.

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Mass & Reconciliation

Thursday, February 13 Weather Updates

9 AM Daily Mass in the Chapel

2 hour late start for St. Cecilia School

Eucharistic Adoration is suspended until Thursday, Feb. 13 at Noon.

Stay safe & warm!