Christian Family Movement (CFM)


The Christian Family Movement (CFM) is a national network of small groups of parish/neighborhood families. Through the use of programming provided by the CFM USA Office and the dynamics of small group interaction, Christian values are reinforced and families are encouraged to reach out in action to others.

Each Christian Family Movement group consists of five to seven families. The adults meet once or twice a month in group members’ homes or at the parish. CFM promotes Christ-centered marriage and family life. It helps individuals and families live the Christian faith in everyday life. Members discuss what they have observed in their own family or community and judge what they have seen in the light of Jesus’ teaching. Then they act to change things for the better. Many CFM families have become involved in helping others in such ministries as foster-parenting, prison ministry, refugee sponsorship, religious education, and couple counseling.


Please click here to go to the contact page, then select Christian Family Movement from the dropdown.

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Mass & Reconciliation

Thursday, February 13 Weather Updates

9 AM Daily Mass in the Chapel

2 hour late start for St. Cecilia School

Eucharistic Adoration is suspended until Thursday, Feb. 13 at Noon.

Stay safe & warm!