Darcy Spellman


Darcy Spellman, School Principal

My name is Darcy Spellman. I grew up south of Woodward, Iowa on a farm with my parents Jeff and Diane, along with my brothers Nick and Jake. We are triplets. My interesting fact for life. After graduation I attended Iowa State University where I received my Bachelor’s degree. Go Cyclones! For the last 9 years I taught 5th-8th grade religion and social studies along with coaching middle school mock trial and helping coach the high school mock trial team at Perry high school.

In 2021 I graduated with my Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Administration at Drake University. Go Bulldogs! My mission as an educational leader is “A lifelong learner is a growing leader.” I am always learning and encouraging those around me to learn.

When I have free time some of my interests include spending time with my family and friends. All of these people are the core to who I am. I also enjoy working out, golfing, swimming, binge watching movies or TV series and reading, especially at the pool. However, when it is football season, you can find me at Jack Trice Stadium for ISU Football with family and friends.

Contact Darcy

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    Mass & Reconciliation

    Thursday, February 13 Weather Updates

    9 AM Daily Mass in the Chapel

    2 hour late start for St. Cecilia School

    Eucharistic Adoration is suspended until Thursday, Feb. 13 at Noon.

    Stay safe & warm!