Clare Heinrich


Clare Heinrich, Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation

Clare Heinrich is the Elementary Faith Formation Coordinator for St. Cecilia Catholic Church. She organizes and coordinates traditional Faith Formation and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atria (Level One, ages 3-6; Level Two, ages 6-9; and Level Three, ages 9-12) at St. Cecilia’s as well as First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation.

Clare grew up in Urbandale, IA. She attended Dowling Catholic High School, Mount Mercy University, and Aquinas Institute of Theology. She earned BA’s in English, Outdoor Conservation, and Music: Performance and is pursuing an MA in Pastoral Studies. In her free time, Clare loves to read and write stories, draw comics, embroider, and keep honeybees!

Contact Clare

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    Mass & Reconciliation

    Thursday, February 13 Weather Updates

    9 AM Daily Mass in the Chapel

    2 hour late start for St. Cecilia School

    Eucharistic Adoration is suspended until Thursday, Feb. 13 at Noon.

    Stay safe & warm!